about us

H. Hentsch Asset Management team includes experienced specialists in Private Banking and Finance, with multi-language knowledge including English, French, German, Norwegian, Spanish and Portuguese.

Young spirited with long family history, H. Hentsch Asset Management is an open and dynamic team ready to offer ultra personalized services with a fresh eye on today’s world possibilities.

Henri Hentsch

Being the descendant of a well known family linked with Swiss Private Banking for more than eight generations, Henri Hentsch has inherited values and human network that he has kept enriching and enlarging over the years, being recognized as a performing and dedicated senior portfolio manager.

Alain Dubois

With more than 25 years experience in banking and finance in Geneva, Alain Dubois holds the tools to get a bank/finance company going. From legal, tax, accounting, trading, to banking process and operations, Alain Dubois masters the diverse complexity that hides behind a financial structure.

Frédéric Mentha

Frédéric Mentha spent 25 years in Private Banking with prestigious institutions and developed a wide expertise in portfolio management, advisory and trading activities. Frédéric Mentha dedicated his entire career to serve a high net worth international clientele with a strong focus in Hispanic and Latin American countries.

Information in accordance with Art. 8 FinSA
H. Hentsch Asset Management SA

Rue de Rive 23, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 809 57 00 – Fax: +41 22 809 57 09 – info@hhentsch.com

Website: www.hhentsch.com

The Federal Act on Financial Services (“FinSA”) came into force on 1st January 2020 and its main purpose is to strengthen the protection of investors in connection with the provision of financial services, including those provided by H. Hentsch Asset Management SA. This information is provided in this context.

Information on the financial service provider (6 FinSO) :

H. Hentsch Asset Management SA has been active in asset management for over 10 years (2010). In the common interest, and in order to better respond to the new regulatory framework, H. Hentsch Asset Management SA and Valker Finance SA, another financial services provider based in Nyon, have joined forces and merged 1st of July 2021, with H. Hentsch Asset Management SA as the absorbing entity.

H. Hentsch Asset Management SA consists of 4 employees (managing directors and employees) with a combined experience of more than 100 years in the banking and financial sectors, mainly in the field of asset management.

H. Hentsch Asset Management SA is wholly owned by H. Hentsch Holding SA, a Swiss holding company, which is 100% privately owned in Switzerland.

H. Hentsch Asset Management SA has no other locations in Switzerland or abroad. It is mainly active in traditional asset management for wealthy private clients and offers investment strategies in line with its clients’ risk profile.

Within the framework of its asset management, H. Hentsch Asset Management SA may act as Investment Manager or Portfolio Advisor of structured products created and implemented by its custodian banks, in compliance with the regulations in force.

Finally, for the past few years (2018), the Company has also been active in the field of private equity, offering specific investments outside the traditional management framework and reserved for qualified investors. The Company has thus created HH Equity Partners SA (2018) and HH Equity Partners II SA (2020), in which it holds participations and for which it acts as an advisor.

H. Hentsch Asset Management SA is affiliated as a financial intermediary with SO-FIT (Supervisory Organisation for Financial Intermediaries & Trustees), located at Rue Pedro-Meylan 2 in Geneva. SO-FIT is authorized by FINMA to operate as a self-regulatory organism (SRO) as well as a Supervisory Organisation (SO) within the meaning of Swiss legislation (website: www.so-fit.ch).

H. Hentsch Asset Management SA has engaged a procedure to apply for a license from FINMA by 31 December 2022 as a portfolio Manager in accordance with Art. 17 of the Swiss Financial Institution Act (“FinIA”).

H. Hentsch Asset Management SA is affiliated with the mediation body Terraxis SA, located at Rue de la Tour de l’Ile 1 in Geneva, in accordance with art. 16 FinIA (website: www.terraxis.ch). As such, any dispute that may arise between the client and H. Hentsch Asset Management SA may be submitted to this mediation body before being brought before the competent courts.

Information on the financial service and financial instruments (7 FinSO) :

The financial service provided by H. Hentsch Asset Management SA is an asset management service. This service is formalized by the signature of an investment management agreement, which can be terminated at any time, by virtue of which the client grants a power of attorney to H. Hentsch Asset Management SA. to manage his/her/its assets deposited with a bank or an authorized securities firm.

The investment management agreement defines the obligations of the parties and in particular those of H. Hentsch Asset Management SA for the implementation of the investment strategy chosen by the client and contains information on the general risks associated with the financial instruments as well as a presentation of the risks to which the investment strategy exposes the client’s assets.

Due to the regulatory constraints of the FinSA related to this activity, H. Hentsch Asset Management SA does not offer investment advisory services for individual transactions or not.

Receipt or transmission of orders for financial instruments: Given the nature of the financial services requested by the client, H. Hentsch Asset Management SA will not verify the appropriateness or suitability of the orders given by the client within the meaning of Art. 10 and seq. of the FinSA.

Cost information (8 FinSO) :

In return for its asset management services, H. Hentsch Asset Management SA charges a management fee or other costs which are determined in the investment management agreement that the client signs with H. Hentsch Asset Management SA. The custodian bank of your assets also charges separate costs and fees (custody fee, brokerage commission, etc.). You can obtain information on the actual costs and fees for financial services from your client advisor.

Within the framework of its business policy, H. Hentsch Asset Management SA may negotiate with the custodian bank of the client’s assets the payment of retrocessions of which the client is informed as to their scope and amount and which the client expressly waives.

Information on economic links (9 FinSO) :

H. Hentsch Asset Management SA avoids conflicts of interest in the management of its various activities. In particular, the Company has decided not to charge any management fees to its clients who subscribe to financial products for which it already receives a management fee.

If by any extraordinary means a detriment to its clients cannot be avoided, the conflict will be communicated or the consent of the clients will be obtained.

Last update, Nyon, 31 May 2022