
H. Hentsch Asset Management is authorized to conduct financial intermediary activities in Switzerland and is affiliated to SO-FIT (Supervisory Organisation for Financial Intermediaries & Trustees).

SO-FIT is authorized by FINMA to operate as a self-regulatory organism (SRO) as well as a Supervisory Organisation (SO) within the meaning of Swiss legislation (

More specifically, H. Hentsch Asset Management SA is submitted to SO-FIT’s SRO for activities under the Federal Law Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Financial Sector (MLA).

Mediation body : H. Hentsch Asset Management SA is affiliated to Terraxis SA, a Swiss corporation located Rue de la Tour de l’Ile 1 in Geneva, in accordance with art. 16 LEFin (

Finally, H. Hentsch Asset Management elected Fiducior SA, as statutory Auditor, and Experco Audit et Conseil SA as anti-money laundering and Code of Deontology Auditor.